Essay on Newspaper in Simple Words

Role: Man is a social animal because he has intelligence and knowledge. He wants to acquire more knowledge than the knowledge that resides in man and for this invents various means. Science has made the world very small. Local distances have ended because of the means of transport.
Radio, Doordarshan and newspapers have tied the world in a family bond. With the help of these tools, we sit at home and read and listen to the news of distant countries. Due to the help of these means, we do not have to go to other countries.
Where, what has happened, what are the activities of which country, we get this from the newspapers sitting at home. The importance of bread and water in the life of a person is as much as that of newspapers. In today’s time, newspaper has become an important part of life. The power of a newspaper is limitless.
It has a lot of importance in democracy. The progress and downfall of the country depends on both the newspapers. Newspapers and their editors have also made a special contribution in the freedom struggle of India. When we wake up early in the morning, the first thing we pay attention to is the newspapers.
Whenever we do not read the news, our day seems to be deserted. In today’s time, news of any corner of the world spreads like lightning in a few moments all over the world. With the development of the art of printing, newspapers appeared to reach the news. In today’s time, every day detailed description of news is reaching all over the world through newspapers. In the present time, if any incident happens in any corner of the world, the next day its news comes to us.
Introduction of Newspapers in India: Before the arrival of the British in India, there was no circulation of newspapers. It was the British who developed newspapers in India. The first newspaper in India was published in Kolkata in 1780 called The Bengal Gazette and edited by James Hickey. This was the moment from which newspapers were developed.
Newspaper was first published in India. After Samachar Darpan, the publication of Udant Martand was also started. Soon after that, in 1850, the Banaras newspaper was published by Raja Shivprasad Starehind. After this many magazines were edited in India.
Just as the art of printing started to develop, in the same way the number of newspapers also started increasing. Today newspapers are being published in every part of the country. There are also some national level news which are published regularly.
Dainik Hindustan, Navbharat Times, Dainik Tribune, Punjab Kesari are some of the famous newspapers published in Hindi language. Similarly, there are many famous newspapers in English which are read all over India. In today’s time, the newspaper industry has become a local industry as millions of people are directly and indirectly connected with it.
The emergence and development of newspapers: In ancient times, there were many means of receiving and sending news such as pigeons, horses, hawks, messengers, travellers, pundits and mystics etc. Narad ji also used to carry the messages of the deities from one place to another. He used to spread news in all the three worlds. Today’s Narada is a newspaper.
Newspapers began to be printed after the invention of the printing press. In the time of Mughals, the first newspaper of India was the newspaper e Mualle which was written by hand. Newspapers originated in China in the 16th century. The world’s first newspaper is the Peking Gazette, but it is a very early and ancient form of newspaper. But the earliest use of the modern and sophisticated form of newspaper in the form of printing was in the 17th century in the province of Basin, Italy.
His news was carried to other places as well. Then gradually its development in other countries of Europe also increased. Newspaper has a close relationship with printing. Just as the printing machines developed, in the same way the development of newspapers also progressed. Today newspapers are used in the world not only at the national level but also at the international level.
Differences of Newspapers: There are many types of newspapers. Newspapers are divided into daily, weekly, fortnightly, monthly, quarterly, yearly etc. Every type of news is given prominence in dailies. In other journals, articles of various authors on contemporary topics, reviews of any events, interviews of any dignitaries are published. Many magazines bring out a special issue once a year in which there is a large collection of informative, abstract material on literary, political, religious, social, mythological subjects.
Public representatives: In today’s time, newspaper is proving to be the biggest means of spreading the ideas of the people. Newspaper is not the object of the rich but the voice of the people. Newspapers are the cry of the oppressed and downtrodden. In today’s time, newspapers are the ideal and catalyst of parents, school-college, teachers, theatre.
Newspapers are everything our counselors and partners are. That is why newspapers represent the views of the people in the true sense. Newspapers give a fresh and good picture of the past few hours. That is why it is said for newspapers that nothing is fresh from the morning news and nothing stale than the evening news.
Medium of public awareness: We not only get news from newspapers, but are also a medium of public awareness. Newspapers also work to bring mankind closer. They have special importance in countries where democracy has been established. Newspapers make people aware of their rights and duties.
Newspapers strongly criticize those works of the government which are not beneficial for the country or for the common man. It is a matter of happiness that barring two or four newspapers, all of them are doing their duty well. In the emergency situation, the newspapers of our country played a good role and strongly opposed injustice and atrocities.
Variety: After all, what is not in a newspaper of two or three rupees? Cartoons, important and entertaining news from across the country, editorial articles, scholarly articles, reports of speeches by politicians, information on trade and fairs, material used by women and children in special editions, criticism of books, plays, stories, serials, Novel, humorous, satirical articles, etc. special material is included.
Social Reform: Newspapers help in removing social evils. Newspapers improve the mood of elders. Newspapers are a beautiful instrument of light and denial of government policy. It can also improve governance.
Benefits of Newspapers: Newspapers are very beneficial for the society. Newspapers create a sense of mutual brotherhood and humanity in the world and at the same time raise their voice against social customs, evils, atrocities. Not only this, they also generate a feeling of patriotism among the people. They also protect the liberty and rights of the individual.
The role of newspapers becomes even more important during election days. In today’s time, no matter what kind of governance system is there, but newspapers play their role honestly. Newspapers had prepared public opinion against US President Nixon. Similarly, editors and journalists of newspapers had sacrificed their lives to protest injustice.
Newspapers are a powerful medium of disseminating news of events happening in different areas all around. Newspapers broadcast various programs of the rulers of each country everywhere. Various activities of world organizations happening at international level in the world are carried far and wide by newspapers.
There are many major national level newspapers in our country whose correspondents are present in every area, who transmit the events of their respective areas to the main office. We get new knowledge only from newspapers. We get information about new research, new discoveries only from newspapers.
We get necessary and important information from government information, orders and advertisements published in newspapers. Newspaper has become a business that provides a means of livelihood to thousands of editors, writers, reporters and other employees. Newspapers develop the mind of the reader.
Their curiosity is quenched and at the same time the desire for knowledge also increases. Newspapers are the voice of the whole country from one person which reaches to other countries. Newspapers develop the field of emotion and thinking.
Newspapers publish information about vacancies, news of cinema, activities of sports world, results of examinations, scientific achievements, fluctuations in the expressions of objects, excellent poems, pictures, stories, serials, novels etc. Newspaper specials are very useful. In these, the life story of great people, religious, social, etc., festivals are introduced in great detail.
Business Growth: Newspapers are the most accessible means of business. Both the buyers and sellers use newspapers as their medium of information. The more the general public gets profit from newspapers, the more profit is to the traders also. The ups and downs of the markets also follow the information of these newspapers. All the merchants read the newspapers with great enthusiasm.
Means of Education: Newspapers not only broadcast news but also increase knowledge in many subjects. are very helpful. There are many benefits of reading news regularly. By reading newspapers, the knowledge of history, geography, politics, literature, science and anthropology is easily acquired.
Many literary and philosophical articles keep coming out in various weekly, fortnightly and monthly magazines which are compiled by various experienced and learned authors. In the editorial of the daily newspaper, very succinct thoughts and mysterious information on contemporary topics keep coming out, due to which in-depth knowledge of that subject is obtained.
Means of entertainment: Newspapers also entertain the public. Many amusing stories, jokes, skits, riddles come in daily papers, especially in Saturday and Sunday papers. Apart from this, plenty of entertainment material is available in weekly, fortnightly and monthly magazines. Newspapers have a very beautiful collection of stories, ghazals and poems.
Advertisement: Advertising is also becoming very important in today’s era. All people must read the page of the advertisement because with the help of this they manage their life journey. Many commercial advertisements keep coming out in the newspapers in which the goods manufactured in different companies are promoted.
Through this, the readers get knowledge of the merits, demerits and uses of every object. Advertisements also come in newspapers for jobs in government, non-government and private sectors, in which readers send applications according to their qualifications. Many letters are published purely for employment like employment news etc.
These advertisements include job advertisements, matrimonial advertisements, personal information and commercial advertisements. There are special pages for those who are advertisements of the film world. Newspaper is a powerful medium of science. Advertisements for consumer goods are printed in these.
Disadvantages of Newspapers: There are as many disadvantages as there are benefits from newspapers. Newspapers are bound by limited ideologies. Often the capitalists are the owners of the newspapers and they do their own propaganda. Some newspapers even praise the partiality of government policy.
There are some newspapers whose sole purpose is only to oppose the government. Both these things are not correct. Newspapers affect the whole society. Newspapers sometimes start printing false and useless news. Sometimes newspapers distort the truth. Similarly some newspapers also participate in spreading the poison of communalism.
Those who loot the society and under the pressure of influential people, they do not write anything against them. Because of this, corruption and injustice get a lot of strength in the society. Some newspapers are the property of capitalists. Justice, good luck and truth cannot be expected from those newspapers.
Some editors and correspondents mislead the public by printing news outright after being sold to the rich and politicians. The public is also misled by sometimes misrepresenting the correct policies of the government in the newspapers. Obscene advertisements create maladaptive feelings in the minds of people especially children. Some advertisements are given to cheat the public.
Epilogue: The more important the thing, the greater is its liability. Newspapers are independent, fearless, impartial, priests of truth but they need to be constantly aware. It is the responsibility of newspapers to oppose the atrocities, malpractices, injustice and unrighteousness spread in the society.
Similarly, newspapers are also playing a very important role in eradicating customs, malpractices and evils. Newspapers have a lot of importance in the modern era. Newspapers also have the responsibility that their news should be impartial, not to become a means of selfishness of any particular party or capitalist.
Newspapers have great importance in today’s popularity system. Newspapers are a means of increasing knowledge, so they should be studied regularly. Today’s era is incomplete without newspapers. Newspapers have great power. What the rulers would fear in the modern age are newspapers.
The freedom of newspapers should not be curtailed in any country. Dirty, obscene and misleading letters should be banned. The entire burden of profit and loss of newspapers rests on the editor. The importance of the editor should be well understood.
If they do their work honestly, leaving aside matters like religion, caste, personal gain, then they can really serve the country in real terms. The editor represents the views of the public. He should fearlessly adopt the views of the people and show the country the path of progress.
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