3 Advantages of Owning a Custom-Built PC

What was once considered a very rare hobby, PC gaming has taken off in recent years, and for many is the more desirable option over console gaming for a variety of reasons.
One key factor that makes gaming on PC so appealing is the ability to customize your gaming machine to your exact specifications and needs. A custom built PC will look and function the way you want it, which is big in an industry with so many different kinds of games and playstyles.
The following article will highlight 3 of the biggest advantages of owning a customized PC build as opposed to a pre-built model, and where you can go online to get your own gaming PC built just the way you want.
1. A Computer That Matches Your Needs
The biggest advantage that custom built PCs have over pre-built models is simply that you can outfit them according to your needs.
In the world of PC gaming, everyone’s needs are different and no two gamers require the same exact specs. There are gamers that only play retro games on emulators but who require a high degree of processing power because they like to stream what they play. On the other hand there are aspiring pros who love modern day multiplayer shooters but who couldn’t care less about streaming or using video editing software. For these players, having a top-of-the-line graphics card is a must.
Some gamers want more storage space to house the bulk of their Steam libraries, while others prefer the best processors possible in order to ensure that they can run all the games and apps they want at the same time without experiencing any performance issues. How else are you supposed to frag out on Modern Warfare while chatting with your friends on Discord, playing around on social media, and listening to Spotify? You need every ounce of performance you can get.
2. Plan For The Future
While some pre-built computers are designed with longevity in mind, you can ensure that your PC has plenty of room to grow if you get one customized to your liking. The industry is always changing and games require better specs as time goes on. With a custom built PC, you don’t have to always buy the latest and best components at the outset if you don’t want to spend the money, but you can start off with a great foundation by building a PC that has a great chipset, power supply, and cooling. That way, when it comes time to upgrade, you’ll be ready.
3. Has The Look You Want
While not as important as the performance aspect of owning a gaming PC, this area is important nonetheless. If you get your PC customized at the right place, you will be able to style it how you want with the help of additional LED lighting options and even custom paint jobs.
Not every company offers this degree of customization though, which is why you are going to want to make sure you get your computer built with CLX. They offer a wide array of great customization options so you can easily build your dream machine. With convenient financing options available as well, CLX makes it about as easy as possible to put together a computer that directly matches your gaming needs.
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