Why are laminar flow cabinets important in a lab?

Horizontal Laminar Flow Cabinet

In a modern lab, you will require different types of equipment for conducting several experiments. You will also need to follow specific safety requirements in order to get licensing from the government bodies. If you were not to maintain these aspects, then you will not only put the safety of your lab workers at risk but will also end up compromising on the work that is done in your lab. Thus, the efficiency of your lab will also depend largely on these safety measures.

Actually, a laboratory is required to work with multiple forms of biological and chemical samples, which can give out a lot of toxic fumes and by-products. So, these safety requirements are essential in neutralizing these toxic elements. Toxic fumes can be fatal for your lab workers and can also cause serious health problems. Using a laminar flow cabinet can be effective in this regard as it will help to purify the air within the lab and provide clean, breathable air inside the working environment.

Sanitizing the cleanroom

The cleanroom is an important part of the lab as it helps in conducting certain specialized processes which require a clean environment. Perhaps the most important part of the design of a cleanroom is its regulation of airflow. You can control the air inside the cleanroom with an HVAC unit and filtration system.

Laminar airflow

The air which flows inside the cleanroom can be generally categorized into three unique kinds of patterns. The most common form of airflow pattern includes the laminar flow. The laminar flow can occur when the air flows in sheets. These layers of air would run parallel to each other. Air can travel in your cleanroom through the HEPA filter, which can ensure that you get a clean room in your room. Afterward, the air will flow downward in layers towards the floor, where it would get recalculated before undergoing another process of filtration.

Turbulent airflow

The next form of airflow which you will find in a cleanroom is turbulent airflow. The pattern here is also similar because the air will go through the HEPA filter, but it will not follow a uniform and straight flow. The turbulent airflow shall come at various different angles and would be recalculated via wall-mounted grilles and support columns. Generally, turbulent airflow is more effective in rooms that do not require a high load of cleanliness.

Mix flow

The final form of airflow would be a mix of both the turbulent and laminar flow. This mixed airflow is most popular in clean rooms, which have sections or compartments for different processes. Some of the sections can require higher degrees of cleanliness, while the other part of the room may not be able to handle the critical processes. You can compartmentalize the cleanroom with modular walls or with soft plastic curtains. Additionally, the air recalculates through multiple grilles that are located at different places, which can keep up with both the laminar and the turbulent airflow.

How should you sanitize your cleanroom?

It is important to understand which form of airflow can be good for your cleanroom before trying to sanitize it. You need to decide the type of projects that would be undertaken in the lab so that you can make this decision. Generally, laminar airflow is preferable in clean rooms, and a laminar airflow cabinet is most effective. Modern, clean rooms, however, also opt for a mixed airflow pattern.

You will need to install the right air purification system based on the airflow pattern in your lab. A laminar flow cabinet is portable and flexible and hence, popular with lab owners. These are also quite inexpensive. You can move them around and easily reconfigure their settings.

You can buy lab supplies and equipment like laminar flow hoods from both online and offline retailers. Online retailers will, of course, offer you better deals and more variety (in terms of customization options). These suppliers will also deliver the equipment to your home directly.


 Getting the right safety equipment is crucial for the success of your laboratory. You have to install laminar flow hoods in order to purify the air inside the working environment of your lab. 

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