Whom should you visit if you are suffering from depression or anxiety?
In case the patient is suffering from various kinds of mental health conditions, like the following, then they get confused about which mental health specialist would provide them with the best care:
- Depression
- Anxiety
According to a psychiatrist in Ludhiana, “ The people visiting the counselling centre in Ludhiana for the treatment of the depression, should not expect to get treated with the same method and within the same amount of time as the other person (depression patient) has taken to get treated.

Not only in the case of the depression
Besides, depression, all the other mental health conditions like the following are accountable for affecting a different person in a completely different way:
- Post-Traumatic Stress
- Anxiety
- Obsessionality
- Attentional issues
- Psychosis
- Substance use disorders
You have to choose the right for you
There are so many different kinds of mental health healers who are specially trained and have gained expertise in almost all kinds of distinct clinical work. The patients who are not having needful knowledge in this regard, do not know which service provider they should be choosing.
What if your primary mental healthcare specialist determines that there is a need for specialised care for you?
In case, the primary care specialist determines that there is a need for specialised care, then he will most probably refer you to the psychiatric help who by carrying out the global assessment will try to reach the cause of your problem.
Who are the psychiatrists?
Psychiatrists are the medical doctors who have:
- Graduated from the medical schools
- Completed the specialised four-year fellowship training
As these mental health care professionals do have a special kind of training, they are responsible for prescribing the patients the medications and carrying out various therapeutic approaches.
Do all psychiatrists treat the patients in the same way?
No, Not all psychiatrists follow the same approach to make the patient healed. Some deem to carry out the treatment with the psychotherapeutic approaches while others choose to prefer the medication management only.
Many other psychiatrists believe that the combined treatment approaches will come out to be useful.
Do children and adults are treated differently?
As far as mental health, ten is different for both adults and children.
The adults are still able to handle certain issues, but the children cannot. So never compare the psychology and the mental problems of a child with that of an adult.
Where the adults may need counselling, the children also require to take medicinal and therapeutic treatment.
Bottom Line
When you are confused about which mental health care specialist you should visit, then you should tell them about your medical condition to the psychiatrist and if he deems it necessary then he will surely ask you to visit some of the psychiatrists or neurologists.
Besides, the mental disorders and the illness cannot be treated by the doctor alone. The support of the patient also accounts for 50% of the treatment.