Things to Check before Sending the Marketing Email to Your Customers

Email marketing is the most popular and affordable way to keep in touch with your target audience, but it pays you off when your email has no flaw like a broken link and distorted image.
If you are not new to email marketing, you must have found such errors after sending the email to your customers.
Of course, it is a complete waste of all of your efforts – you have added call-to-action in your email newsletter but forgotten to add the link to your web page.
You cannot afford these kinds of errors if you want to make your email marketing campaign successful.
To err is human, so you cannot expect yourself never to commit a mistake in your email newsletters. Though you are not perfect and cannot be ever in your life, you can at least double-check your email before hitting the sent tab.
It is not just about the email body you have prepared but various other things, from the length of the subject line to formatting.
Things to check before sending a marketing email to your clients
Here are the things that you cannot ignore at all to check before hitting the sent tab.
- Subject line
The subject line leaves the first impression on the user mind. Within a split of a second, they will decide whether they should open it to read what is inside and ignore it. The subject line must be attractive and short enough, so it does not cut off.
However, this is not just the thing that makes your recipients encouraged to open your email. It does not look like that a robot has sent the email. A survey has revealed that emails sent by a person are more likely to be opened by users than those sent by in the name of the company.
Therefore, before you send an email to your customers, you should check whether the subject line is attractive enough to make users click the link and the length of the subject line is not more than 50 characters, and you have personalized the email.
- Distorted images
Have you checked how the image looks? Make sure that it fits the screen when you open it in your mobile phone.
The image must not be too large, otherwise it will take a very long time to open the email. Your users will get frustrated if it is taking too much time to open the email.
Make sure that the image is clearly visible and align with the text. It must not be pixilated. Make sure that the image displays the way you want.
Adjust if you think you need to do. If you hyperlink the image, make sure that when your user clicks it, it lands them to the desired page.
- Poor formatting
It seems a tiny thing, though. It is incredibly crucial. If the formatting of your email newsletter is poor, no user will spend a second to it. They will mark it as spam, and then all your future email newsletters will go unread.
Before you hit the sent tab, make sure that the formatting is absolutely perfect. The font size must be the same. If you want to use a different font to attract attention to the offer, make sure that it is neither too big nor too small.
Bullet points and paragraphs must be appropriately aligned. Make sure that the text is not overlapped. The use of font colour is also a part of formatting. No matter what font colour you have been using, it must be lucid. It will make it difficult for your users to read if it is too bright and too light.
It is not necessary to use monochrome. Choosing different colours for each piece of information can add style to the design. Make sure that it does not look abrupt.
- Grammatical errors
Do not underestimate grammatical errors. If your email marketing newsletters have many grammatical errors and spelling errors, it is not worth paying attention to. Users will not read your newsletter, and they will mark it as spam.
It damages the company’s reputation if you are not able to convey the right message in the right way. Before you hit the send button, you should carefully check whether there are any grammatical issues.
You should send it only when you are sure that there are no errors. Try to use Grammarly or spell-check tools to review your piece of content. You can take out bad credit loans to subscribe to Grammarly.
The bottom line
If you want to make email marketing successful, you should ensure that it does not consist of an error that can dissuade your customers.
If it is not of that quality, your users’ will opt-out of your mailing list and they will mark you as spam. It can also severely affect your reputation. Make sure that you use the tips mentioned earlier to make the most of your email newsletters.